Monday, May 23, 2011

Last Blog- Extra Credit

In class movies
  • American Beauty
  • Adaptation
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Movies I recommend

  • The Godfather
  • My Cousin Vinny
  • American Me

  • I chose American Beauty because it was kind of random. How the parents didn't like each other and how the daughter's friend was attracted to the dad.
  • I chose Adaptation because it was funny seeing that writer woman, turn bad and do those drugs. It was also pretty good because it shows how some people are different from each other because the main character didn't have the courage to talk to someone very famous.
  • I chose this movie because Jack Nicholson played a good part for being in a mental institution. It's also pretty cool how he embraced all the other guys as his friend and let them participate in the fishing trip. That showed he was a good person.

  • I recommend The Godfather because it shows how Italians were running crime families in New York. The whole movie was just interesting overall.

  • I recommend My Cousin Vinny because it's a comedy movie. It's also educational too because it shows how a lawyer actually uses the right evidence in a court room towards the end.
  • I recommend American Me because it shows how the gangs were running in prison. This movie also has a good plot. I also like that there was an Asian man and White man speaking Spanish and hanging out with all the  Mexican inmates.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chris Rock Interviewed on The Treatment

The guest I chose was Chris Rock. The roles he plays in the film industry are that he is a comedian/actor. He has worked on I Think I Love My Wife, The Chris Rock Show, In Living Color, Everybody Hates Chris, and Saturday Night Live. The interview aired on Wed. Oct. 21, 2009.
During the interview I learned that during the time of the interview, Chris Rock was making a documentary called "Good Hair." It was based on not just African-American females, but also African-American males. Also he was talking about how he was going to work on another project with Bernie Mac but that didn't happen because Bernie was sick. I remember Chris Rock coming out on The Bernie Mac show one time and I would've thought they would've continued working together after Bernie got over his sickness.
The first quote I chose was, "Black culture is mainstream." I thought this quote was pretty interesting because it pretty much true. Everyone everywhere in the U.S. has embraced the black culture somehow. A lot of people like hip hop and the BET channel and stuff like that. They basically brought the "cool" out in people.
The second quote I chose was, "Most of the time everyone tells you not to do something and they're right. This time I was right." I liked this quote because I can somewhat relate to it a lot. Except that when I think I'm right, I'm pretty much more often than not always right. I'm sure other people can relate also because that's the way life is. I really like this quote a lot.
The third quote i chose was, "You have to have a game plan going." I liked this quote also because in this case, he was talking about writing a document to get money in order to get his film going. You can use this in everyday life though. In order to get through life successfully you have to have a game plan and know what you're going to do in life. If you don't have one then you're probably going to be lost in life and not really get that far.

I really like Chris Rock and all the quotes I chose. They were really meaningful and I can relate to them in my daily life. I think he brings a fun, fulfilling atmosphere to the filming world. He's really funny while narrating in his show "Everybody Hates Chris" because he talks about things that happened to him when he was a little kid. Overall, I think he's a wonderful comedian/actor because he talks about true life experiences people can relate to.

Monday, April 11, 2011



Production Title: American BeautyDirector: Sam MendesCinematographer: Conard Hall

# 1Ext.EST - LSELSlow Zoom-In
Ext. banquet hall, night; slow zoom-in to view of crowd inside

Now begin your analysis of the scene you have chosen, providing the information asked for in these columns.
#1INTERIORLSELNONEDining room, daughter comes home late.
#2INTERIORMSELNONEDinner table, mom is eating, dim.
#3INTERIORMSELNONEBeer in dad’s hand, candles.
#4INTERIORMSELNONEblackmailing his boss, talking about how he got fired.
#5INTERIORMSELNONEmother is talking about how father is proud of losing his job.
#6INTERIORMSELNONEFather talking about how his dick is in a cage.
#7INTERIORMSELNONEMother telling father not to talk to her like that in front of daughter.
#8INTERIORMSEL NONEFather talking about how he didn’t lose his job, that he quit.
#9INTERIORMSELNONEMother saying that she’s the soul bread winner now.
#10INTERIORMSELNONEMother talking about passing the mortgage to daughter.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Movie Criteria

The first movie I choose to talk about is the movie Hitch. It met my criteria because it has a great story. Also, when Will Smith has an allergic reaction to the fish, the way they made his ear and the rest of his face swollen was pretty good. Also, when they took it back to his old college days, the outfit they used when he was in college was pretty cool. Overall, I thought the movie was great because of the actors and the storyline.

The second movie I choose to write about is the movie G.I. Joe. It had a great storyline and everything. The special effects were amazing. The way they did the G.I. suits was great. The movie has so much action and overall it was just a great movie. Especially the whole story behind how the brother supposedly died in the bomb and then he turns out to be one of the bad guys.  So overall, I also think this was a great movie.